
Would you eat them with a book?

In case you forgot to eat your green eggs and ham, Dr. Seuss (Theodor Seuss Geisel) would have been 111 yesterday. In honor of his birthday, March 2nd was named 'Read Across America' day. If you think you’re too old for kid’s books, try looking at some of Dr. Seuss’ lesser known political cartoons or some of these authors, all born in the month of March:

Lois Lowry - (March 20th) - The Giver, Gathering Blue  
Robert Frost (March 26th) – best known for his poetry, notably, “The Road Not Taken” and “Mending Wall”

1 comment:

Laura Melamed said...

Some of his kids books were a little political, too -- how about the Butter Battle Book?