
Extended Due Dates + Ten-DVD Checkout Bonus = A Renewed Purpose in Life

It's so weird having no real obligations or deadlines. Yesterday I was almost completely unproductive. Not sure if I liked it.” - Rachel Wooley, Class of 2013, via Facebook

Have the dearth of lectures to listen to, term papers to write and final exams to study for left you with the mid-to-late December blues? Do you feel as uneasy and directionless as Ms. Wooley? Langsdale Circulation has the cure for what ails you: From today (December 15th) until 6 p.m. on December 21st, you can check out TEN DVDs* from our collection, and keep them until—wait for it—January 4th, 2012! Not only will watching 10 movies give you a raison d'être this holiday season, but the January 4th deadline will help keep your cat-like state of academic responsiveness in check. Also, becoming reacquainted with leisure-time activities will make you an interesting and sought-after conversationalist at your upcoming holiday gatherings. Why let hot new titles like Bridesmaids, Crazy Stupid Love, Insidious, and Horrible Bosses gather dust on the shelves over winter break? Stop by Langsdale Library and check out ten DVDs today!

*Ten DVDs= 10 discs, not 10 titles. If you check out, say, Season 4 of The Wire, the 5 discs that are in the set will count against your 10-DVD total.

1 comment:

Laura said...

It worked for me:-)