
A new face at the library

As the new student liaison, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Mariama Gregory. I study corporate communications at the University of Baltimore. I am excited to be the liaison for Langsdale because it offers me an opportunity to gain experience in marketing and advertising. My hope is to be an effective advocate for Langsdale and make it a resource students want to use. I look forward to this rewarding challenge. 
- Mariama


Stephanie Scott said...

Welcome :-)

A UB student said...

I do not believe it is fair that Langsdale library screens applicants that do not receive financial aid and does not hire them...I'm glad you have the oppurtunity to participate with the library-I am just regretful that Langsdale Library does not provide this oppurtunity fairly to all UB students, who are also interested in particpating,such as myself.