
New Materials at the Library!!!

Did you know that the Robert L. Bogomolny library offers a list of all of our newest materials? We do! Each month we'll post an update letting you know about a few select titles, but there are far too many to mention here so be sure to check out our comprehensive online list. There is an RSS feed to the list, so you can subscribe and be updated when new materials get listed each month.

New Materials at RLB Library:

 Antisocial media : how Facebook disconnects us and undermines democracy

  "If you wanted to build a machine that would distribute propaganda to millions of people, distract them from important issues, energize hatred and bigotry, erode social trust, undermine respectable journalism, foster doubts about science, and engage in massive surveillance all at once, you would make something a lot like Facebook. Of course, none of that was part of the plan...."

The happiness curve : why life gets better after 50

"Draws on cutting-edge scientific studies to discuss the U-shaped trajectory of happiness, which declines from the optimism of youth before surging upward again after age fifty, and offers ways to endure the slump during midlife."

Making things and drawing boundaries : experiments in the digital humanities  

"In Making Things and Drawing Boundaries, critical theory and cultural practice meet creativity, collaboration, and experimentation with physical materials as never before. Foregrounding the interdisciplinary character of experimental methods and hands-on research, this collection asks what it means to make things in the humanities."

Lead with heart : transform your business through personal connection

"In Lead with Heart, Tom provides an unconventional approach to business leadership, including advice and strategies on how to open yourself up as a leader, recognize potential in your employees, and increase employees’ trust in you and the company."--Publisher's website."

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"The revered New York Times bestselling author traces the development of technology from the Industrial Age to the Digital Age to explore the single component crucial to advancement--precision--in a superb history that is both an homage and a warning for our future."--Amazon.com."

These are just a few of the many new books, movies, and games at your Bogomolny Library. To see the complete listing of new materials check out our list right here! If you want to receive updates when new materials get listed each month, you can subscribe to the list through the RSS feed.

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